#GettheGig Series #2 - How to get the Gig with the One and Only Charlie LimCharlie Lim is simply put, a world class musician. Many who've worked with him / been around him in a musical setting would attest to...
Get Faster Hands That are Actually Faster on the Gig - (#GOALOnstageSuperSaiyan)I know it's been a while, life has been extremely crazy as of late! However I just got off guest playing for the one and only Charlie Lim...
What's the Point of TranscribingIt's a running joke amongst many of my students that they come to me to learn about jazz drumming, and I'm the person that makes them...
HOW TO WORK ON MUSICAL TIMEIt's kind of what you think, but not exactly. Quite often I'm helping students to work on their time, but they don't ask me to help them...